• The Dangers of the Ivory Market
  • When you buy ivory you pay for more than just the product. You also pay for the activities of terrorists in Africa. That and of course you are paying for the life of an endangered species. This website is dedicated to educating people on the dangers of ivory trading and how you can help.

    A documentary (Warlords of Ivory) by National Geographic reporter Bryan Christy managed to prove that the money that goes to buying ivory products is used to pay for terrorist activities in africa. One of these terrorist groups is the LRA (Lord's Resistence Army) led by mass murderer Joseph Kony. Christy reported that there were different task forces for killing people and another for killing elephants. So when you pay for ivory you also pay for someone's life.

  • Leading to Endangerment
  • The Garamba National Park lost more than 10% of it's elephant population in 2014. Despite that the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) banned the ivory trade it's still in high demand. In 2014, 1,215 black rhinos were poached in south africa. Because of the demand of ivory more and more species are becoming endangered.

  • What you can do
  • There are many ways you can help stop the sale of ivory. Never buy products made from rhino horn or elephant tusks. Help laws against the trade be passed. Donate to orginizatons like WWF who support the conservation of endangered species. We can't guarentee that the killing will stop once the buying stops, but at least we can make the trade collapse.

  • Sources
  • http://www.theguardian.com/environment/africa-wild/2015/aug/30/case-proven-ivory-trafficking-funds-terrorism http://www.worldwildlife.org/

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